duminică, 12 decembrie 2010

The Most Beautiful Places in Romania

What do you know about Romania? Well, let me tell you that Romania is one of the most wonderful places in Europe. You can find here everything you desire: lively landscapes, mountains adorned with thick forests of fir trees, rivers delimited by picturesque plains and hills, the Black Sea, unique in the whole world and last but not least, the Danube Delta. 

General Information about Romania

Romania is a small country situated in the South-East side of Europe. Its neighbors are: Ukraine and Moldova Republic in the East, Bulgaria in the South, Hungary in the West side and again Ukraine in the North. 
Its relief is composed of mountains (31%), hills (33%) and plains (36%).  The climate is temperate continental with oceanic influences in the West and Mediterranean features in the South-West. The annual average temperature is between 8°C and 11°C. Romania features four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter and it is wonderful in any of them.
The Romanian people is one of the most hospitable in Europe. Even though Romania is a poor country and maybe you will not always find the comfort and luxury other places in Europe offer, you will be surely charmed by the Romanian traditions, foods and drinks and also by the various entertainment choices you will find here.

Here are 9 places in Romania that should not be missed, if you consider yourself a true traveler:

The Apuseni Mountains
The Apuseni Mountains hide some extraordinary places, truly unique in Europe, such as Ponor Castles, Scarisoara Glacier, The Bears Cave, The Wind Cave, The Dragons’ Gate Cave and the famous Moti Country.

The Danube Delta, a wonderful universe is composed of more than 1, 200 exotic species of trees and plants, the richest ornithological fauna on the European continent (more than 300 species) and 100 species of fish (mentioning the Danube herring and sturgeon). The Danube Delta is one of the largest wetlands in Europe. In 1990 UNESCO included the Danube Delta in its heritage in order to protect it from the progress of industrialization.

The Monasteries of Northern Moldavia
Due to their beauty and unicity, the painted monasteries of Northern Moldavia: Voronet, Sucevita, Moldovita, Putna- are part of UNESCO World Heritage.

Peles Castle, Pelisor, Bran and Corvin are just a few castles that are worth visiting in Romania. Even if most of us are ordinary people and not princes and princesses, nothing can stop us from dreaming about it when entering the Hall of Mirrors of Peles Castle.
According to a legend Dracula was a casual visitor of Bran Castle. The chambers of this “haunted” castle form a mysterious maze and in its interior yard there is a fountain that connects with the underground hiding places.

Black Sea Coast
There are approximately ten main resorts on the south coast of the Black Sea which expect tourists from all over the world during summer time. The Romanian seaside is among the few places in Europe that offer sunny beaches throughout the day.
The Romanian beaches fall gently into the sea, making it possible for tourists to stroll along the sea shore. The sandy beaches are generally naturally formed, having a width of 50 to 500 meters. But the beaches are not the only tourist attractions of the Black Sea. There are solar radiations which have stimulating and therapeutic effects upon our skin, the sludge used for various diseases and the salty water that cures respiratory problems. This great combination of water, sand, fresh air and sun is benefic for one’s organism, sometimes doing wonders for those coming to restore their health.

Among the most important tourist attractions in Romania there can be also mentioned The Pietrosu Pick (2303m) and Gutai mountains, which are part of an volcanic mountain chain. Iza Valley and Marei Valley are some trails that offer tourists the opportunity to visit many of the Maramures wooden churches and gates. While in Maramures, tourists can also visit Friza Lake, Ocna Sugatag Lake, Borsa Spa Resort and the historical artifacts Stephen’s Tower in Baia Mare or the Mery Cemetery Sapanta.

Cartisoara, Balea Lake Waterfall, the Transfagarasan tunnel, Capra waterfall, Vidraru lake and dam, Poenari Castle and Stan Valley are just some of the places you could admire if you go on the Transfagarasan. The beauty of this region cannot be explained in words: visit it and you’ll become overwhelmed with amazement.

The Medieval Towns
The best preserved medieval cities in Romania are Sibiu, Brasov, Sighisoara, Timisoara, Cluj, Medias and Feldioara.
Sibiu, for example, is one of the most beautiful cities in Transylvania. Its special charm is given by the fact that Sibiu is a “museum town” which evokes the old times of its amazing history. Here, you can visit Piata Mare, Turnul Sfatului (the Council Tower), Brukenthal Palace, the Evangelical Cathedral, the castle walls and towers.

Praid Salt Mine
This is one of the greatest salt mines in Romania, dating back to the Roman times. The air in the salt mine is highly ionized, thus, very effective in curing respiratory diseases. 

The Muddy Volcanoes
Alien, strange, moon like relief: the Muddy Volcanoes represent a magic landscape you mustn’t miss. You can find them in Berca, Buzau County.

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